Sunday, June 15, 2008

Deep Thoughts...

So it's been almost 3 weeks since I've last updated the ol' blog. Know why?

First, because I haven't really had the time. My rambling manifestos can often take up to an hour to write, find stuff to link to, edit and post. Given that this started as a work project, I wanted to do most of the posts from the office, but work has been so crazy lately that there are simply not enough hours in the day.

Second, because it's difficult to come up with topics to write about. Fun fact: I don't like to write. In fact, I borderline hate it. So of course, I end up in a career that requires a fair amount of writing. Why? Because I am an idiot...don't ever forget that.

That said, I do want to keep this blog a wee bit more current. At the very least, twice per week. So, instead of ridiculously long diatribes, I am going to try what most bloggers do - offer reasonably short, concise thoughts reflecting what's new in my world.

When columnists can't think of any one thing to write about, they'll put together a bulleted list of random thoughts. It's the newspaper equivalent of the "flashback" episode of your favorite TV show. It's a dumb and lazy way to generate new content and is generally an insult to your readership. It's also quite brilliant. So, without further ado, here is my list of random thoughts:
  • My car hates me. How else to explain the never-ending list of problems (and hence, repairs) that have come up in the past year? Maybe it's anti-semitic? Maybe it's upset because it knows that I am going to trade it in at the end of the summer? Maybe it's just testing my stupidity for continuing to fix it rather than just getting rid of it immediately, as some fairly smart people suggested I do.
  • I'm not saying I've spent my life savings fixing the car, but my mechanic recently offered to take me on a 2-week vacation for putting his kids through college. I thought that was sweet.
  • I bought a new patio set and am thankful to Mark for helping me assemble the table. And by helping me assemble the table, what I really mean is, "thanks for assembling the table." However, I was brave enough to try assembling the chairs on my own. And by "brave enough," what I really mean is that Mark had to leave so I was stuck putting the chairs together on my own. There were 6 chairs; four had four screws each, two had two screws each. A total of 20 screws (and washers and nuts). Took me 3 hours. Would have taken Mark - or just about anyone else on earth - 15 minutes. Sometimes, I amaze even myself.
  • Here's how close I am to my family. We're throwing my mother a surprise 60th BBQ next month and I was told about it a day before the invitations were sent out. Oh, and can I buy the cake for 70 people? Apparently, this passover dinner thing has legs.
  • There is a person at the gym who has a mullet, wears a "wife beater" t-shirt and wraps his towel around himself before he gets in the shower...when he is still sweaty and smelly. I think each of these things are odd.
  • There are three treadmills at the gym. I regularly use the one on the left. However, every day, a man elects to use the one in the middle despite the fact that the treadmill on the right is unoccupied. I also think this is odd. Did I mention that there is about 5 inches of space between treadmills?
  • Ruth's Chris or Texas Roadhouse. Which has the better food? Perhaps more importantly, which doesn't have their wait staff engage in line dancing every half hour?
  • Condolences to Tim Russert's family. However, I think NBC want a wee bit over the top by devoting the entirely nightly news on Friday to Russert. As well as a one hour prime time special Friday night. As well as the entire Today Show on Saturday morning. NBC - you may be in deep mourning, but most of the rest of us aren't. Stop it.
  • It amazes me that the same special effects which can make hobbits look so small can also make the hulk look so silly. HULK FAKE!
Remember when I wrote that I was all done with long blog posts? Forget it.